ASA – Amsterdam Street Art

Hogeschool van Amsterdam

On request of housing corporation Eigen Haard and de Hogeschool van Amsterdam, ASA painted a visual connection between the historical area and the renewed high-school campus area.

Mural, muurschildering, street art, Amsterdam Street Art, Rochdale, Hogeschool van Amsterdam

For this specific wall-painting, it was important that the people from the neighborhood were involved with the final decision of the design. We made 2 totally different designs and they voted for this “nostalgic” city view with some local memories and historical facts.

This specific building stands exactly in the place where there used to be a bus station. On the wall we painted was some graffiti, we didn’t touch the graffiti piece and gave it a place in the new design.

.Company: Hogeschool van Amsterdam / Eigen Haard
.Category: Commissioned murals.
.Mission: Create a stunning Amsterdam mural to link the area with the renewed high-   school campus.
.Skills used: Curation, collaboration, design, production.

Would you also like to create an innovative experience? ASA is the perfect partner to design an ‘out of the box’ concept for your product, message or company whereby several urban disciplines reinforce each.

For several clients, ASA developed multi-disciplinary concepts. Within these concepts, street art is combined with, as an example, urban music, and interactive workshops. The total experience has a reinforcing effect to keep the target group actively involved and to realize the underlying (commercial) goals.

Please fill in the form below if you would like to have more information or if you would like to work with Amsterdam Street Art.


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