Every week artists are hitting the streets and sharing their latest work with us. Rotterdam has a lot of new murals, created during POW! WOW! But of course, those weren’t the only new works from last week. Enjoy ASA Weekly #6!

asa weekly street art

Tyler did it again with this cool piece he made together with Doing Insane Shit and FGTS.

said dokins street art

Said Dokins transformed a watchtower into a jewel of Contemporary Urban Calligraphy.

m.u.m norway bergen street art

Daughter of Nature by M.u.M in Bergen Norway.

new street art

Based on the famous Tatar legend “Ak bure”, Dulk painted the White Wolf in Tatarstan, Russia. The white wolf is a symbol of unity, nature, and protection. The white wolf protects the town and is the host of the forest. Everyone who shatters the calm of the forest and make caustic remarks should be punished. The wolf sings about the unity, truth, and love for nature.

new street art

“Terrassa” by Christian Blanxer, pierapapeltijera, heylava.

jana und js new street art

The Australian/French artist couple Jana and JS made this beautiful work for Under Bridge Festival in Salzburg.

pareesfest udatxo new street art

Udatxo joined Parees Fest last week. We love this mural with nostalgic feeling.

matth velvet parees fest street art

Another mural thanks to Parees Fest is by Matth Velvet and has amazing color use!

ron english new street art

Ron English made quite a statement with his billboard in Detroit!

fintan magee vancouver

This mural is a little older than last week but absolutely worth the share! ‘The Evening’ by Fintan Magee in Vancouver.

Which of the murals are you going to check out in real life? Stay creative and see you next week!








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