Last year, Daniel Mac Lloyd won the Street Art Award Benelux 2018 for Young Talent. The prize was a mural in the center of street art city Heerlen. This week it was finally time, and now you can admire Daniel’s first wall in the Netherlands.
The mural shows two loving parrots, in the vibrant color use and watercolor addition Daniel is well-known for. What’s so interesting about Daniel’s work is that it’s abstract but at the same time, a combination of intelligibility and fantasy. Easy enough to identify with but at the same time it has several layers of what I call ‘art-communication’. It’s up to you what the mural tells you, which makes it so interesting.

Pictures by Sanne Gijsbers
“My murals usually tell a personal story. They show my feelings in an abstract way. The colors occur from that emotion I have.” Daniel explains when I visit him whilst he’s making his Heerlen mural, “The combination with animals is often used as human touch, to transport my emotions. I try to find an animal for the emotions I want to tell, in combination with the right movement.”

Pictures by Sanne Gijsbers
The end result is prodigious, and a great addition to the streets of Heerlen. The two parrots and the colors, give the street a whole new vibrancy and are full of beautiful details. In this case, every detail in the painting might have a reference to a special story, maybe even a special person. Winning the award, being an artist, destination and fate. It all comes together in this piece. But it’s up to you what story you see.

Picture by Sanne Gijsbers
Thank you, Daniel, for your time and artwork and Heerlen Mijn Stad and Gemeente Heerlen for making the mural possible! You can find the new mural in Heerlen at Klompstraat 10.
Follow Daniel Mac Lloyd on Instagram to see more of his art or take a look at his website to stay up to date with his new projects. Visiting Luxembourg? Make sure you drop by Daniel’s gallery Kamellebuttek.